Thanksgiving is another word for Gratitude. Gratitude is the natural expression of the thanks in response to the blessings, protection or love. Also gratitude is the joyful commitment of one’s personality to God.
The mature people normally thank God for everything they receive in their daily lives. When they receive good news they give thanks to God for the goodness and great deeds He has granted them. And when they receive bad news they also give thanks to God, trusting that He is the just God.
Many people give thanks to God
- for delivering them from their enemies and death
- for forgiveness of their sins
- for receiving answers to their prayer
- for being guided by Him
- for having good friends
- for having the gift of life
- for receiving good harvest
- for good weather and so on.
The community which is guided and directed by the True Love has one day in each year as the Day of Thanksgiving. For the Christians this day is the time to show their Gratitude to God and their fellowmen/human beings. For the Catholics this Day normally begins with the Holy Mass which is the Greatest Sacrifice, and if possible the Local Ordinary that means the Bishop should be the Main Celebrant and the priests of that diocese or territory should concelebrate with their Bishop. After Holy Mass they should gather together as one family which is protected and directed by the Love of God.
This Day of thanksgiving is not only celebrated in the Christians custom. But also some great nations have this tradition. Many states put this Day at the end of the year or after harvest. Some call this Day as Harvest Festival all in all the aim it remains there, that it is the Day of Thanksgiving.
This custom of giving thanks should be taught from the grassroots of the formation of human being that means from the Family. The parents are the first teacher of their children. The parents should teach their children to give thanks in all things they receive. They should give thanks to God and also to human beings. They should understand that the one who gives thanks is expecting to receive more and more than the one who does not give thanks even to the little he/she has received from the Love of God.
Thanksgiving is the Best Prayer, practice it!